Friday, October 30, 2015

A visit to Boston - Museum of Science - Wild Life

This post contains some of the images of wild life exhibits in the Museum.

A visit to Boston - Museum of Science

During my stay at Boston, I got the chace to visit the Boston Museum of Science. This was the first time that I got the chance to visit a science museum in USA and it was a great experiance than I expected.

The Museum of Science is located in a beautiful and convienet place in the Boston city. You can find its location below.

Inside the Museum there are various exhibits. I've managed to cover most of them while I was there. Those include,
  • A Bird’s World
  • Dinosaurs
  • Hall of Human Life
  • Museum of Science: Then and Now
  • New England Habitats
  • The Colby Trophy Room
I will be sharing some of the pictures I took while I was there, in my upcoming blogs.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A visit to Boston

Couple of years ago, I got  a chance to visit boston and stay there for some time. This was mainly for office businees but that did not stopped us from exploring the city and it's beauty.

I thought of writting few posts and share some of the snaps I took while I was in Boston. There are lots of places, things I want to share so I will categorize them as best as I can.

The visit to Boston was on January and as you expect, there was snow.

From my next posts, I'll share some of the sanps I captured from the other places that i've visited in Boston.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Fishing huts

When you read the title of this, You all may thought that I was going to talk about some beach or some sea side area. If so, I would  have to disappointing you all.  The place I'm going to talk about way up in the hill country near the town called "Maskeliya".

Fishing huts is a place that is way up in the hill country. It takes nearly a 1 hour from Maskeliya town to access there. The narrow road will take you along to the Maskeliya reservoir and then through a tea estate.

The journey through the tea estate is breath taking. The dirt road that curved with the mountains did only little to hide the true beauty of the surrounding mountain tops.

The hard and 4x4 type of journey ends at the greeting hands of a small statue that greets all who come to Fishing huts.

Fishing huts is a place where one can truly become a part of nature. One can be amazed to hear that you will have no electricity and no mobile signals to this wonderful place. What even more amazing is that, you will get 3 huts entirely made of wood for your accommodation. The huts are made on a riverbed and that river is the only thing that separates the thick jungle and the huts.

The experience you get in Fishing huts is one of a kind. If you are a true nature lover or a person who wants to get away from the modern life, Fishing huts is the place for you. If the wooden houses did not made an impact to you, then the cold night and the near freezing river will surely do so.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Project THYAGA Season II

Project THYAGA

This is the name that we have given to our charity program which we(University of Colombo School of Computing - 2006 batch) conduct every year. We started this as a small event last year by donating essentials for an orphanage(I don't remember most of the details) and this year we made it big and did a pretty good job of it.

This year we chose an school located in the "Nawalapitiya" area and Project THYAGA was all about fulfilling some of the basic needs of that school. This is a primary school where it has like 30 children and 4 teachers including the school principal. The school has only one building and a small playground and all the children are in grade 1,2 and 3.

Some of my batch mates work very had for this( I don't want to mention their names because I could miss some :) ) and we concluded this event yesterday(24/June/2012). I was able to catch few moments during our program.

We got a warm welcome from the school

There were lots of children and parents gathered to welcome us.

The school had only limited resources with only one building.

Our guys worked hard. 

And gathered so many resources to donate.

Everybody participated in donating the stuff to the children.

Dinusha had the pleasure of handing over rest of the things to school.

Which brought lots of smiles to their faces.

After that there were smiles all around.

And finally we came back.

The event was amazing and I would like to thanks all the organizers and all the people who have helped in various ways to make this a complete success.